Nikolaus Rosales
With the recent measles outbreak,the importance of vaccination is very clear. While the outbreak started at Disneyland, the contamination has spread across the country.
Most parents vaccinate their children as babies, and with the current outbreak, many more have decided to vaccinate.
However, some parents have decided that it is best for their child to stay unvaccinated to keep their child “safe” from dangerous chemicals and side effects they believe these vaccines could cause. Personally, I think parents should vaccinate their children. Their choice is putting others at risk.
Measles has currently spread through 14 states, and there have been 102 confirmed measles cases in the U.S. this year alone. Now, you may think that this number is low, but remember we are barely in February. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) said that this is quickly spreading.
Many concerned parents choose to not vaccinate their children out of fear their children will receive autism. However, this 1998 study that hints that there might be a link has been discredited time and time again. Even the Autism Foundation came out recently recommending parents vaccinate their children.
Now, I understand that parents are concerned, but the proof is not there and it is entirely irresponsible to put others at risk. For people who are unvaccinated, the odds are very high of them getting the disease if they are exposed. This just keeps the disease spreading.
Is mere speculation really worth risking your child’s life? The lives of others? Vaccination has been proven to work and therefore, people should choose to vaccinate.
Calais Hermosillo
The measles are back. While this is a huge concern, parents have the right to decide if their own children should be vaccinated. About 79 percent of people infected with measles in 2014 said they had chosen not to vaccinate themselves due to their personal beliefs. People should have this right to choose how they want to take care of themselves.
Some parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children because they believe that the vaccine could have harmful side effects.
One reason parents fear the MMR vaccine is that is combines three different medicines for the measles, mumps and rubella. It’s dangerous because it is all combined but some doctors are administering the vaccines in single doses.
Another reason that parents might choose not be vaccinated or vaccinate their children is the fear that some vaccines lead to children developing autism.
There are also many examples on why people don’t trust these big pharmacies. The manufacturer of the MMR vaccine is currently involved in two lawsuits for falsifying data on the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine. One of the lawsuits was filed against him by one of his own scientists.
Also, some believe vaccinated children have higher rates of ear infections, ADHD, asthma and allergies, often as much as 30% higher than unvaccinated children.
Parents are cautious because they don’t want to take the chance that their child could possibly develop a disorder. They are just doing what they think is right for their children so that they can be healthy.
We can’t blindly assume that vaccines are a perfect solution to illness, especially when it has so many side effects.