On-line support offered starting August 17th

August 17, 2020
The Tempe Union High School District released the following information:
On Monday, August 17, our campuses will welcome students in need of on-site support services (services that cannot be provided virtually). These support services are part of Governor Ducey’s most recent Executive Order for schools and are for students who have a critical need for a specific service or resource. There will be limited space available on each campus due to the importance of optimizing the use of available staff and limited resources, as well as the critical health mitigation protocols that need to be implemented and maintained for safety.
Our students with the highest need were identified by school sites and prioritized with a weighted system. Ten priority categories were identified as follows: SpEd Level C/D students (self-contained programs); McKinney Vento students (homeless students); Students without access to WiFi or other technology at home; Title I and students eligible for free and/or reduced lunches; SEL (Social Emotional) High Concern students; ELL (English Language Learners) students; Foster care students; SpEd Level B students (Resource); SpEd Level A students (Itinerant services); Parent Request.
We understand there will be evolving student needs, and our administrators and school site teams are listening to parents and families in order to continually meet the needs of our students and families.