The McClintock Drama program will put on its first production of the 2014-15 school year on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, September 17, 18, and 20 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.
The fall play is “Get Smart,” and the script is based on a television show with the same name that aired in 1965. The show features spy Maxwell Smart, also known as Agent 86, and he is accompanied by Agent 99. The two are on a mission to defeat Mr. Big and his evil organization, KAOS, in their nefarious endeavors.
Drama teacher Tim Cornwell directs a large cast led by seniors Fargo Tbakhi (Maxwell Smart) and Caitlin Andelora (Agent 99), including 8 students who are new to the drama club.
“I haven’t really gotten to know that many people but I would say we’re all pretty willing to change what we need to change and adapt to the circumstances and work together and we all want it to be a good show,” Andelora said of the cast.
Cornwell and the cast encourage students to come out and support the drama program by attending the show.
“It appeals to a high school audience. Almost everyone likes to laugh,” Cornwell said.
He adds, “People don’t get a chance to see live theater or don’t take that opportunity. You pay 6 or 7 bucks to see this show, and relatively speaking, the quality is really, really good.”
Tbakhi believes that despite the fact that the show was written in the 60s, there are “still a lot of jokes that are surprisingly funny that even people nowadays would think are funny.”