Face Off: Spirit stick becomes controversial (Sophomore)

Kristine Le, Blogs Editor, A&E Editor

I don’t intend on having a major conflict nor do I have much of an opinion on the recent pep rally’s results, however it’s been getting out of hand.

One issue is the fact that it’s a McClintock tradition to give the Spirit Stick to the seniors. Yes, I can see why there’s so much backlash, a 50-year-long tradition was broken and the specialness has worn off of the event. However, the rules around how one can win the Stick is that the class must be the loudest in a competition of wild teenage fury.

Given that the battle was judged fairly, as far as I know, it was fair that the Spirit Stick was given to the sophomores. It shouldn’t be a biased event because it’s the seniors’ last year that they must win it every pep rally, if there was a fair competition, more would be encouraged to participate because there’s a chance that they could win rather than knowing that it’s a fake fight for something that would always go to the seniors

Addressing the total havoc and rage about the Stick, the reaction and anger towards it is getting out of hand. Even though the seniors think it was unfair and that sophomores are of a lower class, it still doesn’t give anyone the right to call someone an “abomination,”even if it’s not to be taken seriously.

Sophomores should be given the chance to partake in something that’s main purpose is to raise “pep”. Besides, in high school, the majority of the power is wielding the title of “upperclassmen’; maybe giving the very sought-after Spirit Stick will raise their moral. Everyone understands how it feels to be a freshmen and a sophomore and both sides should’ve reacted with grace and good sportsmanship even if it wasn’t in their favor.

Everyone acted like it’s the English throne, it’s not going to give anyone the right to rule and execute people at their will.

The Spirit Stick is meant to raise McClintock High’s spirit, not cause disdain between students.