Annual car show shifts into gear

Victoria Vital, Business Manager

Every year the automotive students coordinate an annual car show to take place at school.

This year car show is taking place on Jan., 29th. Automotive is one elective offered to students who have an interest in cars, and want to learn how to fix them.

The purpose of the car show is to get all of the auto students to bring in their dream car, or something close to it. Usually the goal is to get out of the normal everyday Honda Civic model car and reach further, something such as a Range Rover that you don’t see everyday.

The process of getting cars to come on campus is kind of long.

First the automotive student must complete an essay assigned in class on their dream car, after that is complete the second half is the assignment is to bring in their dream car.

“I’m excited to see what everyone has in store for the car show and what kind of cars are going to show up,” Sophomore Israel Martinez said.

The car show also shows all the students on campus what automotive is really about. By bringing cars onto campus each student has the opportunity to see some of what the automotive class deals with, and may interest students to join auto next year or join the club.

“Even though automotive isn’t something I want to pursue as a full time career, this class has taught me useful skills that will continue to help me throughout my life,” Martinez said.

The automotive kids also get to experience what its like to go out into the real world and get out of their comfort box, to go and try and find a car. Most cars come from a car club or from someone the students know.