Tanner Bunkelmann, Briefs Manager, Procrastinator, Punmeister,
Yo. My name is Tanner Bunkelmann, I’m a senior at McClintock and this is my second year in Journalism and my 12th year as part of the National League of Procrastination. Out of school, I enjoy reading manga, watching anime, and playing videogames. Common names I go by are: weaboo, otaku, or just weab. My academic goal for this year is to retain a decent GPA and still be able to get 8 hours of a sleep a night. My life goal is a Miia from Monster Musume full-length body pillow and a Korean gamer girlfriend who is just as good at video games as I am. Oh, and a 3D mousepad of an anime or video game character. Preferably of the chest level.